Regulatory and Enforcement

The Regulatory and Enforcement Department (RED)is the arm through which the Institute regulates the profession and ensures that professional and ensures that professional ethics are maintained.
As the watchdog of the Institute, RED is in forefront of ensuring timely development of appropriate regulations, compliance to regulations; adherence to code of ethics by all members and maintenance of approved standards in all registered laboratories.


RED is involved in the following major activities of the Institute in furtherance to its mandate:
- Regulate the practice of Public Analysts by issuing guidelines on ethics and professional practice and review of such guidelines from time to time.

- Formulate and prepare rules and regulations that are complementary with the enabling law of IPAN in order to facilitate the practice of the profession.

- Conduct inspection and monitoring of registered laboratories to ensure compliance with approved standards of practice.

- Ensure compliance with the approved IPAN Tariff.

- Enforce the rules and regulations of the profession.

- Apply approved penalties where necessary for unprofessional conduct.

- Eradicate quacks in the practice of the profession through publicity of regulatory and enforcement programmes of the Institute.

- Facilitate programmes for analytical laboratories and stakeholders to ensure that more laboratories in the country meet international requirements for compliance with ISO 17025 Accreditation for Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

- Co-ordinate issuance of practice License to members and Seal to registered laboratories.

These activities are carried out through three Council Committees- Laboratory Registration Committee, Investigation Panel and Disciplinary Tribunal,

The committees are pursuant to IPAN Act, Section 14 (2) of IPAN Act which made the designation, registration and fully licensing of any analytical laboratory by the Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria mandatory and a condition for acceptance of any certificate issued by a registered member in any court of law or tribunal.

Also, in accordance with Section 11, the Investigating Panel conducts preliminary investigation into any case of unprofessional conduct while the Disciplinary Tribunal considers and determines any of such case.

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